Mar 24, 2023Liked by Lorelei Hatpinwoman

"“The fetishising of subjugation doesnt mean being actually subjugated…”

“It is telling that the most dominated thing some men can imagine becoming is a woman.”

Lorelei, this is genius.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Lorelei Hatpinwoman

It's telling, isn't it, that Wanda's memoir was published as "Confessions." Of course there is a long tradition of memoirs being so titled. But it frames her story in lurid terms, instead of the political lens it deserves.

Kate Bornstein's memoir "A Queer and Pleasant Danger" is also blunt about the connection between their trans identity and their masochistic desires, some of which are disturbingly self-harming. The book also doesn't shy away from equating their transgender identity with their experiences as a former Scientologist. It's an engaging read.

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